The beginning....
The Pulitzer Prize was won for Our Town, Orson Welles broadcasted adaptation of H.G. Well’s War of the Worlds frightened one-half of Amercians, the Fair Labor Standards Act established minimum wage, war and worldwide changes were looming in Europe; the City of Palm Springs incorporation was approved by 1800 voters; the high school was constructed; and 60 women were invited by Mrs. Warren Pinney, the wife of the new city clerk and manager of the El Mirador Hotel, to attend a luncheon on December 10 to talk about the formation of a woman’s club. The new mayor, Philip Boyd, spoke on the civic value of a women’s club and said that the city council would respect the club member’s opinions.
No time was wasted by these highly motivated women. At the El Mirador meeting, a Nominating Committee was named to develop by-laws and a list of officers for the next meeting two days later on December 12. Mrs. Nellie Coffman invited them to lunch at the Desert Inn and 73 women signed as charter members. Their first official meeting happened just over a week later on December 19, 1938!
What a way to start a new year! Land for the club house at Baristo & Cahuilla was offered by Pearl McManus, gift deeded to PSWC; and John Porter Clark offered his architectural service. Barely three months into 1939, the plans were completed; $12,000 was raised; and membership grew to 166 members.
Construction of the building commenced in April and an open house was given in November – the best part – no mortgage and money in the bank! Club incorporation was completed in 1939 originally affiliated with the Federated Women’s Clubs, a women’s volunteer umbrella type organization; and PSWC chose to become an independent club in 1953.

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